
Monday, September 20, 2010

Lamington Rainforest

For our second field trip we went to Lamington Rainforest. This place was the inspiration for the movie Ferngully.

A baby epiphyte growing on a tree.

(photo by Ellen Dempsey)
This plant is called a "wait-a-while" because if you get caught on it it takes you a while to get unstuck and sometimes you have to wait for someone to come help you.
This is a lyre bird that some of us saw; it's pretty rare to see one but you can hear them calling.
This is one of the many leeches that people acquired on our hikes through the rainforest.
This is a sign that was in the cafe where we would eat our meals.
This is one of the venomous snakes we came across. This one is called a Yellow-faced Whip Snake; its not considered dangerous to humans. But on one of our hikes our professor almost stepped on a giant Tiger Snake, which is pretty dangerous... if it bites you.

 These are sundews, a carnivorous type of plant.
Red Velvet Mite

(photo by Tori Liberman)

a baby stickbug
We went to Bellbird Lookout and recorded bird calls as the sun was coming up. Here are some pictures from the sunrise.
That steep peak in the distance is Mt Warning

(photo by Tori Liberman)

This is a Satin Bowerbird arranging his bower. You can see the bright blue objects he has collected and arranged around the nest.
A weevil
On our free day Clark, Ellen, and I went on a hike and we saw this giant Land Mullet. It went inside it's log and hissed at us when we got too close.

This is a Carpet Python that the three of us encountered on the path!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Brisbane Riverfire!

Every September in Brisbane there is a huge event called Riverfire that kicks of the Brisbane Festival. Everyone stakes out places around the river and hangs out all day. At night, jets trailing fire fly by and fireworks are let off around the river and bridges.
People chillin' by the river
(photo by Tori Liberman)
(photo by Tori Liberman)
(photo by Tori Liberman)
(photo by Tori Liberman)
That's a jet flying in the corner (photo by Tori Liberman)

This is a drive through liquor store, haha. Do we have those in the states?

Some city photos

In the Botanical Gardens (photo by Vikram Singh)
Birds trying to steal my lunch by the lake (photo by Shane Wo)

We are all scarred for life after witnessing these geese mating... I'll spare you the details...
Eating lunch in the Great Court on campus
Up close with a water dragon
Someone was feeding the birds and it turned into an eelfest
Some photos in the city

Story Bridge